Data Dictionary v1

File Tree

The subdirectories in the images/ directory do not represent an additional aspect of the data. There are 250 images in each subdirectory, except for the last subdirectory.

└── tb-wellgen-smear
    ├── images  
    │   ├── 00000
    │   │   ├── tb00000001.jpg
    │   │   ├── tb00000002.jpg
    │   │   ├── tb00000003.jpg
    │   │   ...
    │   ├── 00001
    │   │   ├── tb00000250.jpg
    │   │   ├── tb00000251.jpg
    │   │   ├── tb00000253.jpg
    │   │   ...
    │   ...
    └── v1
        └── tb-labels.csv

Tuberculosis Labels


This table contains the labels for each image. There is one label, whether any tuberculosis bacilli are present in the image. There is no demographic data for this dataset.

Column Name Description Sample
image Filename of the TB smear image tb00000001.jpg
tb_positive Whether TB bacilli are present in the image
1: TB bacilli are present
0: TB bacilli are not present
file_path Path to the TB smear image on the platform /path/to/image
  • Rows: 75,087
  • Columns: 2
  • TB bacilli presence
    • Positive: 3,976 images (5.3%)
    • Negative: 71,111 images (94.7%)

Tuberculosis Bacilli Example

Labeled TB Bacilli

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