Data Dictionary v1

Table of contents
  1. Participant Clinical Measurements and Survey Responses
  2. Electrocardiograms
    1. 12 Lead ECG Waveforms
    2. Single Lead ECG Waveforms
  3. Echocardiograms
    1. Echo Videos
    2. Echo Annotations
  4. Fundus Images
  5. Chest X-rays
    1. X-ray Images
    2. X-ray Annotation

File Tree

└── tamil-jpal-multi
    ├── echo
    │   ├── 00
    │   │   ├── 00ab...
    │   │   │   ├── 1.mpg
    │   ... ... ...
    ├── ecg-12-lead
    │   └── waveform
    │       ├── 00
    │       │   ├── 00ab...npz
    │       ... ...
    ├── ecg-single-lead
    │   ├── 00
    │   │   ├── 00ab...npz
    │   ... ... 
    ├── fundus
    │   ├── 00
    │   │   ├── 00ab...
    │   │   │   ├── 1.jpg
    │   ... ... ...
    ├── xray
    │   ├── 00
    │   │   ├── 00ab...jpg
    │   ... ... 
    └── v1
        ├── patient-metrics.csv
        ├── echo-annotation.csv
        ├── echo-filepath.csv
        ├── ecg-12-lead-filepath.csv
        ├── ecg-single-lead-filepath.csv
        ├── fundus-filepath.csv
        ├── xray-annotation.csv
        └── xray-filepath.csv

Participant Clinical Measurements and Survey Responses

patient-metrics.csv contains the following medical data.

  • Vitals - Blood Pressure, Pulse rate, Respiratory rate, SPO2
  • Physical measures - Height, Weight, Waist/Hip/Mid-arm Circumference
  • Fitness measures - Endurance test, Grip test
  • Eye Measures - Tonometry, Fundus observations
  • Cognition Score (MMSE short-form)
  • Smoking Status responses
  • Blood test data
  • PHQ 4, Direct loneliness responses
Column Name Description Data Type Example
patient_ngsci_id Unique identifier for each respondent string 24fc123…
year Year of survey int 2023
verbal_consent Whether verbal consent was provided?
string Yes
age Age of the respondent (value 999 represents age 90 and above) int 60
sex Sex of the respondent
string Female
bp Whether bp was measured?
string Yes
bp_systolic, bp_diastolic Blood pressure in mmHg int 80
pulse Whether pulse rate was measured?
string Yes
pulse_entry Pulse rate in beats per min int 83
resp_rate Whether respiratory rate was measured?
string Yes
resp_rate_entry Respiratory rate in breaths per min int 22
spo2 Whether SPO2 was measured?
string Yes
spo2_entry SPO2 level in % float 98.0
rbs Whether random blood sugar was measured?
string Yes
rbs_entry Random blood sugar in mg/dL float 138.0
height Whether height was measured?
string Yes
height_entry Height in cm float 155.0
weight Whether weight was measured?
string Yes
weight_entry Weight in kg float 60.0
midarm_circum Whether MUAC was measured?
string Yes
midarm_circum_entry Mid-arm circumference in cm float 28.0
waist_circum Whether waist circumference was measured?
string Yes
waist_circum_entry Waist circumference in cm float 88.0
hip_circum Whether hip circumference was measured?
string Yes
hip_circum_entry Hip circumference in cm float 96.0
endurance_test Whether endurance test was conducted?
string Yes
endurance_test_entry Endurance test result in terms of no. of unassisted stands int 11
grip_left, grip_right Whether grip test was conducted, left and right hand?
string Yes
grip_left_entry, grip_right_entry Grip test reading for left and right hand in kg float 16.2
tonometry_lefteye, tonometry_righteye Whether tonometry was conducted, left and right eye?
string Yes
tonometry_lefteye_entry, tonometry_righteye_entry Tonometry reading for left and right eye in mmHg float 17.3
fundus_lefteye, fundus_righteye Whether the fundus examination was conducted, left and right eye?
string Yes
fundus_lefteye_obs, fundus_righteye_obs Observations of the optometrist for left and right eye string
cognition_sf Whether MMSE short-form was conducted?
string Yes
cognition_sf_score Score obtained on the MMSE short-form out of 16 int 13
cognit_impaired Whether the MMSE short-form indicated cognitive impairment?
If the score is <8, the respondent has cognitive impairment
string Yes
Hb Hemoglobin in g/dl float 12.3
HbA1c HbA1c in % float 6.0
triglycerides_mg_dl Triglycerides Cholesterol in mg/dl int 177
tot_cholesterol_mg_dl Total Cholesterol in mg/dl int 201
HDL_mg_dl HDL Cholesterol in mg/dl int 42
LDL_mg_dl LDL Cholesterol in mg/dl float 117.0
VLDL_mg_dl VLDL Cholesterol in mg/dl float 35.4
totchol_by_hdl_ratio Total Cholesterol/HDL ratio float 4.8
ldl_by_hdl_ratio LDL/HDL ratio float 2.77
creatinine_mg_dl Serum Creatinine in mg/dl float 0.9
literate Whether the respondent is literate?
string Yes
smoking_1 Do you currently smoke tobacco on a daily basis, less than daily, or not at all?
Daily,Less than daily,Not at all,Refused,Don’t know
Source: GATS
string Not at all
smoking_2 Have you smoked tobacco daily in the past?
Yes,No,Refused,Don’t know
Source: GATS
string Yes
smoking_3 In the past, have you smoked tobacco on a daily basis, less than daily, or not at all?
Daily,Less than daily,Not at all,Refused,Don’t know
Source: GATS
string Not at all
  The next four fields correspond to the responses of the 4-item patient health questionnaire on anxiety and depression. Source: PHQ-4
Over the last two weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems?
Not at all,Several days,More than half the days,Nearly everyday,Refused,Don't know
phq_1 Feeling nervous, anxious or on edge string Not at all
phq_2 Not being able to stop or control worrying string Not at all
phq_3 Feeling down, depressed or hopeless string Not at all
phq_4 Little interest or pleasure in doing things string Not at all
direct_lonely Over the last two weeks, how often have you been feeling lonely?
Not at all,Several days,More than half the days,Nearly everyday,Refused
string Several days
  • Rows: 4,448
  • Columns: 62


This dataset contains electrocardiograms from two different devices. The first device produces a 12 lead ECG with a sample rate of 1000 Hz. The second device produces a single lead ECG with a sample rate of 300 Hz.

12 Lead ECG Waveforms


Column Name Description Data Type Example
patient_ngsci_id Unique identifier for each respondent string 00ab…
filepath Path to file string path/to/file
  • Rows: 3,827
  • Columns: 2

The ECG filepaths have the following structure:
ecg-12-lead/waveform/{first two digits of patient_ngsci_id}/{patient_ngsci_id}.npz

The waveform data for each ECG is stored in a separate compressed NumPy file. numpy.load doc. These files contain two arrays.

  • 'waveform' - Raw waveform. Shape: (12, 10000)
  • 'beat_waveform' - Beat waveform derived from the raw waveform data. Shape: (12, various)

Single Lead ECG Waveforms


Column Name Description Data Type Example
patient_ngsci_id Unique identifier for each respondent string 00ab…
filepath Path to file string path/to/file
  • Rows: 4,224
  • Columns: 2

The ECG filepaths have the following structure:
ecg-single-lead/{first two digits of patient_ngsci_id}/{patient_ngsci_id}.npz

The waveform data for each ECG is stored in a separate compressed NumPy file. numpy.load doc. These files contain two arrays.

  • 'raw_waveform' - Raw waveform. Shape: (9000,)
  • 'enhanced_waveform' - Enhanced waveform derived from the raw waveform data. Shape: (9000,)


Echo Videos


Column Name Description Data Type Example
patient_ngsci_id Unique identifier for each respondent string 00ab…
echo_view TTE views of video int 1
video_format The format of the video file string MPEG
filepath Path to file string path/to/file
  • Rows: 52,099
  • Columns: 4

The echocardiogram videos are not uniformly formatted. There are three formats: AVI, MPEG, MP4. The filenames of the videos corresponds to one of 13 views, as seen below.

Transthoracic Echocardiography (TTE) Views

  1. PSLAX: 2D
  2. PSLAX: color (for assessing aortic and mitral regurgitation)
  3. PSAX at AOV level: 2D
  4. PSAX at AOV level: color
  5. PSAX at MV level (visualize MV orifice)
  6. PSAX at MV level: Color
  7. PSAX at PAP level
  8. Apical: Four-chamber: 2D (full visualization of atria and ventricles)
  9. Apical: Four-chamber: color mitral regurgitation
  10. Apical: Four-chamber: color tricuspid regurgitation
  11. Apical: Five-chamber: color aortic regurgitation
  12. Subcostal: 2D for interatrial septum
  13. IVC: volume and IVC collapse

Acronyms: AOV, Aortic valve; MV, mitral valve; PAP, papillary muscle; PSAX, parasternal short-axis view; PSLAX, parasternal long-axis view; 2D, two-dimensional

Echo Annotations


The echocardiograms were reviewed by a cardiologist. The table contains the measurements preformed during the echo and the evaluation by the cardiologist.

Column Name Description Data Type Example
patient_ngsci_id Unique identifier for each respondent string 00ab..
district_id A number representing one of five districts string 01
camp_id A number representing a camp within the district string 02
AO:cm Aorta diameter [cm] float 3.1
LA:cm Left atrium diameter [cm] float 3.9
PWD:cm Left ventricular posterior wall thickness at end-diastole [cm] float 0.9
PWS:cm Left ventricular posterior wall thickness at end-systole [cm] float 1.1
LVIDD:cm Left ventricular internal dimension at end-diastole [cm] float 4.2
LVIDS:cm Left ventricular internal dimension at end-systole [cm] float 2.6
IVSD:cm Interventricular septum thickness at end-diastole [cm] float 0.9
IVSS:cm Interventricular septum thickness at end-systole [cm] float 1.1
EF:% Ejection Fracture [%] int 63
FS:% Fractional shortening [%] int 33
SV:ml Stroke volume [mL] int 98
mitral_valve An evaluation of the mitral valve string NORMAL
aortic_valve An evaluation of the aortic valve string NORMAL
tricuspid_valve An evaluation of the tricuspid valve string NORMAL
pulmonary_valve An evaluation of the pulmonary valve string NORMAL
right_ventricle An evaluation of the right ventricle string NORMAL
inter_ventricle_septum An evaluation of the inter ventricle septum string NORMAL
inter_atrial_septum An evaluation of the inter atrial septum string NORMAL
pulmonary_artery An evaluation of the pulmonary artery string NORMAL
right_atrium An evaluation of the right atrium string NORMAL
left_atrium An evaluation of the left atrium string NORMAL
left_ventricle An evaluation of the left ventricle string NORMAL
pericardium An evaluation of the pericardium string NORMAL
clot/vegetation An assessment of the presence of a clot or vegetation string NORMAL
impression A general evaluation by the cardiologist string NO RWMA,NORMAL LV FUNCTION

Fundus Images


Column Name Description Data Type Example
patient_ngsci_id Unique identifier for each respondent string 00ab…
image_number The image number int 1
filepath Path to file string path/to/file
  • Rows: 18,445
  • Columns: 3

Most patients have four images. The technicians were instructed to take and save four images per person in the following order: Left disc view, Left macular view, Right disc view, Right macular view.

Chest X-rays

X-ray Images


Column Name Description Data Type Example
patient_ngsci_id Unique identifier for each respondent string 00ab…
filepath Path to file string path/to/file
  • Rows: 3,887
  • Columns: 2

Patients will have at most one X-ray.

X-ray Annotation


Each patient’s X-ray has been review by a radiologist. The radiologist evaluated the X-ray in six categories and included an general impression of the X-ray.

Column Name Description Data Type Example
patient_ngsci_id Unique identifier for each respondent string 00ab..
district_id A number representing one of five districts string 01
camp_id A number representing a camp within the district string 01
trachea An evaluation of the trachea (windpipe) string Trachea appears normal
cardiothoracic An evaluation of the Cardio-Thoracic Ratio, which is used to describe heart size string Cardiothoracic ratio is within normal limits
bilateral_lung An evaluation of the lungs string Bilateral lung fields appear normal
costo The costophrenic angle compares the angle between the diagram and the ribs. string Costo and cardiophrenic angles appear normal
visualised_bony An evaluation of the bone structures string Visualised bony structures appear normal
extra_thoracic An evaluation of soft tissue outside the chest cavity, e.g. breast tissue string Extra thoracic soft tissues shadow grossly appears normal
xray_impression A general evaluation of the X-ray from the radiologist string Chest X-ray shows no significant abnormality

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